React + TypeScript - Navigation

In this guide, we’ll create a new React project with Vite, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and add a basic navigation bar using React components.
Reat + TypeScript Series

Juma Shafara


November 7, 2024


Set Up the Project with Vite and TypeScript, Install and Configure Tailwind CSS, Set Up React Router, Create Basic Page Components, Create a Reusable Navbar Component


In this guide, we’ll create a new React project with Vite, set up TypeScript, integrate Tailwind CSS for styling, and add a basic navigation bar using React components.

Step 1: Set Up the Project with Vite and TypeScript

First, let’s create our React app using Vite, a fast front-end build tool.

  1. Open your terminal and run:

    npm create vite@latest
  2. You’ll be prompted to name your project. Enter a name, such as react-navigation.

  3. Select React as the framework and TypeScript as the variant.

  4. Navigate into the project folder:

    cd react-navigation
  5. Install dependencies:

    npm install

Your project is now set up with Vite and TypeScript!

Step 2: Install and Configure Tailwind CSS

To add Tailwind CSS for styling:

  1. Install Tailwind and its dependencies:

    npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
    npx tailwindcss init -p
  2. Configure Tailwind by updating the tailwind.config.js file to include your template paths:

    // tailwind.config.js
    module.exports = {
      content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}"],
      theme: {
        extend: {},
      plugins: [],
  3. Add Tailwind’s directives to your CSS file. Open src/index.css and replace its content with:

    /* src/index.css */
    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;

With Tailwind configured, you’re ready to style your app!

Step 3: Set Up React Router

We’ll use react-router-dom to create navigation between different pages in our app.

  1. Install react-router-dom:

    npm install react-router-dom
  2. Wrap the app with BrowserRouter in main.tsx to enable routing:

    // main.tsx
    import React from "react";
    import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
    import { BrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom";
    import App from "./App";
    import "./index.css";
    ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
          <App />

Step 4: Create Basic Page Components

In the src folder, create a pages folder, and inside it, create three files for the pages of our app:

  • Home.tsx
  • TermsOfService.tsx
  • PrivacyPolicy.tsx

Each file will export a simple functional component with a title. Here’s an example for each:


import React from "react";

const Home: React.FC = () => {
  return <h1>Home Page</h1>;

export default Home;


import React from "react";

const TermsOfService: React.FC = () => {
  return <h1>Terms of Service</h1>;

export default TermsOfService;


import React from "react";

const PrivacyPolicy: React.FC = () => {
  return <h1>Privacy Policy</h1>;

export default PrivacyPolicy;

Step 5: Define Routes in App.tsx

With the pages ready, we’ll define routes in App.tsx to make each page accessible.

  1. Import the pages and set up routing using Routes and Route from react-router-dom:

    // App.tsx
    import React from "react";
    import { Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";
    import Home from "./pages/Home";
    import TermsOfService from "./pages/TermsOfService";
    import PrivacyPolicy from "./pages/PrivacyPolicy";
    const App: React.FC = () => {
      return (
            <Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
            <Route path="/terms-of-service" element={<TermsOfService />} />
            <Route path="/privacy-policy" element={<PrivacyPolicy />} />
    export default App;
  2. This code enables navigation to:

    • Home at /
    • Terms of Service at /terms-of-service
    • Privacy Policy at /privacy-policy

Step 6: Create a Reusable Navbar Component

Next, let’s build a reusable navigation bar component for our pages.

  1. Inside src, create a components folder, and add a file called Navbar.tsx.

  2. In Navbar.tsx, create a functional component with links to each page:

    // src/components/Navbar.tsx
    import React from "react";
    import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
    const Navbar: React.FC = () => {
      return (
        <nav className="p-4 bg-blue-500 text-white">
          <ul className="flex space-x-4">
              <Link to="/">Home</Link>
              <Link to="/terms-of-service">Terms of Service</Link>
              <Link to="/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</Link>
    export default Navbar;

This code:

  • Defines a Navbar component with links to each page using the Link component from react-router-dom.
  • Applies Tailwind classes for basic styling.

Step 7: Integrate the Navbar in App.tsx

Finally, we’ll add the Navbar component to App.tsx:

// App.tsx
import React from "react";
import { Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import Home from "./pages/Home";
import TermsOfService from "./pages/TermsOfService";
import PrivacyPolicy from "./pages/PrivacyPolicy";
import Navbar from "./components/Navbar"; // Import Navbar

const App: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      <Navbar /> {/* Use Navbar component */}
        <Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
        <Route path="/terms-of-service" element={<TermsOfService />} />
        <Route path="/privacy-policy" element={<PrivacyPolicy />} />

export default App;

This approach makes the Navbar reusable and keeps App.tsx clean and modular.

Testing the Setup

Run the app and try navigating between links in the navbar. You should see the page content change without reloading.

npm run dev


In this guide, we started from scratch to build a React app using Vite, added TypeScript for type safety, styled with Tailwind CSS, and created a basic navigation bar as a reusable component. By creating and organizing components, we’ve built a foundation for scalable, maintainable code in React.

This is just the beginning! In future guides, we’ll explore more advanced features, add functionality, and dive deeper into component design.

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